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Registration Policies

A word from our founder...

More than ever before, we understand that Caregivers want flexibility when signing up for camp.
Travel plans change. Kids get sick- all the time. Early childhood regressions happen and a child that was potty proficient last week suddenly isn't having it. Wet get it. 

We also have to plan in advance for a safe, quality program. We keep limited spots per team to ensure compassionate, present care to our campers. We overstaff to make sure we have enough coverage for safe supervision ratios, even if staff have to call-out sick. 

Simply put, from the moment your child registers, we incur costs from their enrollment. When a camper doesn't show-up to camp, regardless of the cause, their space was held and planned for... with other campers  typically turned away from registering, due to limited camp spaces. 

In recent years, we have eased our cancellation policies into something we believe to be reasonable for both parents and our business. Please review the non-refundable fees and cancellation policies in the "Registration Policies" for the camp season you're signing up for.

If you want even more peace-of-mind, we offer a "Any-Reason Camp Protection Plan". It's totally optional. Just for those folks who always ask for some "insurance" - here's our version. See below.

I greatly appreciate all the kindness and support we've received from our families over these years and am delighted to be able to provide a safe, joyful community for our kids each year. I can't believe we've been getting wild for 10 years! Here's to many more decades of Wildfolk childhood magic!! 

Stay Wild,
Cassie "Goldie Fox" Young
Camp Founder + Executive Director


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